Friday, February 4, 2011

Artist Meegan Fiori


Meegan Feori is a Southern Californian artist inspired by the world where the land and the ocean meet, by the moments that take place in its transitory environment. She hopes that her paintings impact people in a positive way by revealing what is overlooked or difficult to express.  Surfing, in this context, is a series of beautiful ephemeral moments. Experiencing one for a short while, letting it go and then finding it in another wave in a different moment.  Painting, for her, crystallizes these moments of surfing and life that are transient, making them tangible.

Meegan earned a BA from University of California, San Diego and has been thrifty enough to live in Costa Rica and Spain.  
She currently lives, works and surfs in Orange County.
She continues to paint, while also dyeing fabric and blowing glass.

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