Sunday, April 10, 2011

Envision Your Bliss with Bliss 101

Join us Thursday, April 14th at 6:00 pm 

to Envision your bliss 

by creating a Vision Board.

Making a vision board is 

fun, empowering, 

and always surprising! 

Vision boards illustrate what someone wants in life. It's a personal collection of individual goals created by pasting images and words on a poster board. The images can be magazine photos, personal photos or hand-drawn pictures and sketches. There really are no restrictions -- the words can be cut from media formats or be handwritten.

You may find your bliss lays somewhere totally different than you expected! 

Go on a treasure hunt for greater happiness with Bliss 101's owner,
Helen Zeldes, 
who has always taken the road less traveled and followed her bliss. 


We will provide the materials, 
but please feel free to bring your own magazines, notes, 
images, scripture, quotes, etc. if you'd like.

all images via google 'vision board' search.

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